Coworking spaces are forecasted to reach the number 36,000 by the year 2025. There is a forecast for the growth in demand for coworking spaces in the US, UK, India, China, and other countries as well. Coworking spaces have been a blessing to startups, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. It does not end there, now coworking spaces are also used by large multinational companies. Here let’s take a peek into how the coworking spaces are changing the working culture of large multinational companies.
Adapting to change imposed by Pandemic
The pandemic made us all adapt to working from home in the long run. After trying the option and after they rest their productive doubts to rest, many huge companies from Google, Facebook, and Twitter went on record to continue with work from home indefinitely. This all of a sudden has changed the need for huge office spaces previously required by the organizations. Even people are embracing the change for the need of safety. But time and again there are times when the teams need to get around for a quick meet to discuss designs, development, or the QA activity. These are the times when the teams of multinational companies are utilizing coworking spaces.
Opportunity to provide easy expansion for client companies
Huge Companies looking for opportunities to enter new markets are using the coworking spaces as their space to leap. These companies are taking up these shared office spaces as their setup during the temporary phase while working with clients in their location. The coworking spaces are chosen such that it is easy to commute for the team members. Coworking spaces offer the flexibility to expand based on the changing needs of the client. The companies have the option to have a flexible coworking space in locations nearer to the client. The size of the team can vary from five, ten, or fifty.
Workspace for small teams in different geographical locations
Hiring talent in specific geographical locations and working at client’s places has been the norm today in the business world. During these times coworking aces offer much-needed workspace with facilities to go about their work. Organizations are finding newsp ways to expand their base without slowing down during these pandemic times. Hiring talent nearer to the client’s location reduces the employee’s relocation. This option also reduces the time and effort spent on relocation. Coworking space also allows the organization a short phase of time and space to verify the feasibility of the project. This time is crucial for the organizations to think about further investment in terms of manpower or office space.
Proving cost-effective for huge companies
While going by the balance sheet, the cost per square foot of the coworking space is more than that of the traditional office space. But on digging deeper into the balance sheet of the traditional office spaces for its infrastructure and all the other facilities coworking spaces work better than them. The commercial lease length of office spaces is for the duration of one to five years. After being thrown into uncertainties now due to Covid-19, companies are opting for flexible, and cost-effective ways to keep their growth curve moving up.
Coworking places are flexible and offer memberships ranging from 30 days to one year for huge organizations. This option gives the corporates that suit their requirement to scalability, paying for the space they need for the duration. The coworking spaces have influenced working professionals to be productive and efficient in their field of work.
Organizations feel the strong need to be nearer to startups
Inventions, Innovations, and breakthroughs are the reasons for the existence of huge organizations. Right now breakthroughs are happening at the startups and by freelancers working out of the coworking spaces. Huge companies get to be in the company of motivated individuals who are working on their innovations. The companies have the opportunity to get in touch with individuals at a personal level. The rapport established can be a breakthrough for further association which can be the next big thing in the world.
Initiative for employees of the organizations to assume responsibility
Above are three main categories which are playing a huge role in big organizations utilizing coworking spaces. Apart from the above, the employees from organizations working out of coworking spaces will be motivated to be a better version of themselves. The environment is motivating enough to take up ownership of their roles and work independently. They will no longer be waiting for the updates and approvals. This is a huge change from the office space of the organization as they are no longer looking around their shoulders for their boss checking upon them.
Coworking spaces are beneficial for huge companies in numerous ways
The coworking spaces have opened up an opportunity for organizations to explore the world around them. There are a massive number of individuals working on their passion. Coworking spaces are one of the most available options to explore the possibilities in the world. To be present at the place of breakthrough can present the organizations with opportunities to assist, grow, and make a mark in this world.
How iKeva is catering to the needs of huge organizations?
iKeva understands the needs of professionals using coworking spaces. They have all the facilities required for them to operate stress-free without hassles. iKeva has coworking spaces in Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. iKeva has flexible pricing and duration options available to choose from. Call and fix for a site visit with our iKeva officers. They can give a guided tour along with the specific information that is much required by you. Our coworking spaces are occupied by startups, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and organizations. Call iKeva for further details.