The Benefits of DHA and ARA for Newborn Brain and Eye Health

by Chatter DC
The Benefits of DHA and ARA for Newborn Brain and Eye Health

In the past decades, interest in polyunsaturated fatty acids and their effects on the human body has increased significantly. Their critical role in various processes is undeniable, making it necessary to add to the composition of baby formulas.

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Essential Components for Brain and Body Development

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are indispensable elements, playing a valuable role in growth and development. Not being synthesized in the body of humans or any other mammals, PUFAs are ingested through food intake.

Nowadays, there is intensive research into the specificity of highly purified Omega-3s. It is about PUFAs, where the primary representatives are eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. An impressive list of their benefits includes a wide variety of points, some of which are:

  • different parts of the body development, including the brain, vision, and nervous system;
  • cardiovascular disease risk reduction;
  • formation of highly active immunoregulators;
  • preventing the development of coronary heart disease;
  • maintenance of homeostasis of inflammatory reactions;
  • prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction;
  • infant growth and development;
  • and much more.

Different factors can affect the absorption of Omega-3 fatty acids, including a person’s lifestyle, environment and conditions, nature and quality of nutrition, geolocation, and more.

Valuable sources of the highlighted elements are seafood, flax seeds (and oil), purslane, nuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seed oil, soya beans, and so on. Many of the products on this list do not belong to the usual diet of the average person.

Based on this, there is a frequent deficiency in consumption and, as a result, an insufficient supply of Omega-3s.

Oils and fats make up a big part of the list of foods loaded with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, with many health and wellness functions. At the same time, pure oils as an ingredient in recipes are also widespread.

Specificity and Modus Operandi of PUFAs

Attention to the functions and role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the growth of the human body does not stand still, as reflected in the intensive development of research aimed at discovering one or another option.

The acids of the Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 families are the most influential for the metabolic process. Its active participants are acids such as oleic, linolenic, linoleic, eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic.

The PUFAs do not occur in a free state, being a part of different categories of lipids. The cell membrane, as the primary structural-functional element of a living cell, is responsible for various processes, while EPA, ARA, and DHA are part of its phospholipids.

The required amount of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids depends on the complexity of the functioning of the organs in the tissues in which it is contained.

An example of the latter is the docosahexaenoic acid in gray matter cells in the cerebral cortex, achieving marks of almost 15%, while ARA in its composition is up to 10%. At the same time, about 20% of DHA is found in the retina, emphasizing the essentiality of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

A Great Benefit for Tiny Body

The contribution of Omega-3 PUFAs to infant development is undeniable, reflecting their participation in the functioning of various parts of the organism.

The docosahexaenoic and arachidonic are the predominant polyunsaturated fatty acids in gray matter, playing a significant role in the formation and modification of the nervous system of the child.

The consumption of PUFAs is valuable for intrauterine development without losing its relevance in the first months of a baby’s life. With the central nervous system as one of the zones of influence, the Omega-3s are responsible for the correct development of the following functions:

  • sensory;
  • behavioral;
  • and motor skills.

A decrease in the concentration of the analyzed components in the body can lead to several disorders. For this reason, it is necessary to take care of the regular consumption of nutrients, coordinating all the nuances with the pediatrician.

Omega-3 PUFAs as a Significant Part of Baby Nutrition

A sufficient supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids is one of the prescriptions for proper care of the newborn. Accordingly, Omega-3s are in a spectrum of foods, including infant formulas. The benefits of consuming these elements for growth and development are scientifically proven.

After entering the human body, many processes fall under the control of polyunsaturated fatty acids. As the dominant element among PUFAs in retinal and nerve cell membranes, DHA performs a set of functions.

Along with other elements in children’s formulas, polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to the healthy development of the little angel.

Final Thoughts

The functions of PUFAs of the Omega-3 family are valuable to the welfare of humans, making them essential components of the baby formula.

Combined with other beneficial substances, they contribute to the saturation of a crumb with nutrients, participating in the development of various parts of the body.

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